

Thomas Wilmer Dewing (1851-1938). Known to history as one of the members of The Ten, a group of American Impressionists who seceded from the Society of American Artists in 1897. Dewing's paintings defined an era known for it's refinement and its idealism. 

  He was born on May 4, 1851 in Boston, Massachusetts, and studied there at the Museum School of Fine Arts. In the 1870’s also studied figure painting at the Academie Julian in Paris. Dewing excelled in his unique approach to figure painting, choosing a tonal atmospheric angle for his subjects. His works earned him inclusion in the National Academy of Design in 1897, and a year later Dewing helped found the group Ten American Painters, who included William Merritt Chase and Childe Hassam.


"Summer" (circa 1890) Oil on canvas, 107 x 137.8 cm - 42.1 x 54.3 in. National Museum of American Art, Washington D.C., USA.

"The Hermit Thrush" (1890)

"A Reading" (1897)

"In the Garden"

"The Lute" (1904)

"The Fortune Teller"

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Related Term: Impressionism.


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