"I don't think I ever tried to paint the American scene; I'm trying to paint myself."


Hopper, Edward (1882-1967) was an American painter, active mainly in New York. He trained under Robert Henri, 1900-06, and between 1906 and 1910 made three trips to Europe, though these had little influence on his style. Hopper exhibited at the Armoury Show in 1913, but from then until 1923 he abandoned painting, earning his living by commercial illustration. Thereafter, however, he gained widespread recognition as a central exponent of American Scene painting, expressing the loneliness, vacuity, and stagnation of town life. Yet Hopper remained always an individualist.

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"Light at Two Lights" (1927) Watercolor on paper, 35.6 x 50.8 cm - 14 x 20 in. Collection of Blount, Inc., Montgomery, Alabama, USA.

"Hotel Room" (1931) Oil on canvas, 152.4 x 165.1 cm - 60 x 65 in. Thyssen-Bornemisza collection, Madrid, Spain.

"Nighthawks" (1942) Oil on canvas, 76.2 x 152.4 cm - 30 x 60 in. The Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois, USA.

"House by the Railroad" (1925) Oil on canvas, 73.7 x 61 cm - 29 x 24 in. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.

"Room in Brooklyn" (1932) Oil on canvas. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

"Western Motel" (1957) Oil on canvas. Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

"Sunday" (1926) Oil on canvas, 86.36 x 73.66 cm - 34 x 29 in. Private collection.

"Conference At Night" (circa 1949) Oil on canvas, 101.6 x 70.48 cm - 40 x 27.7 in. Private collection.

"Ground Swell" (1939) Oil on canvas. Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA.

"The Long Leg" (1935) Oil on canvas, 76.8 x 50.8 cm - 30.24 x 20 in. Private collection.

"Sheridan Theatre" (1937) Oil on canvas, 64.13 x 43.56 cm - 25.2 x 17.15 in. Private collection.

"Bridle Path" (1939) Oil on canvas, 107 x 72 cm - 42.1 x 28.35 in. Private collection.

Text source: 'Webmuseum' (www.ibiblio.org/wm).

Related Artists:

Related Terms: Realism, Illustration Art.


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