


Piero della Francesca (1420?-92). One of the great artists of the early Italian Renaissance, Piero della Francesca painted religious works that are marked by their simple serenity and clarity. He was also interested in geometry and mathematics and was known for his contributions in these fields.

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"Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta" (1451) Oil and tempera on panel, 44 x 34 cm - 17.3 x 13.4 in. Musée du Louvre, Paris, France.

"The Flagellation" (circa 1469) Oil and tempera on panel, 58.4 x 81.5 cm - 23 x 32.1 in. Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino, Italy.

"The Resurrection of Christ" (1463) Fresco and tempera, 225 × 200 cm - 88.6 × 78.7 in. Museo Civico, Sansepolcro, Italy.

"Legend of the True Cross - the Queen of Sheba Meeting with Solomon" (circa 1452-66) Fresco. San Francesco, Arezzo, Italy.

"Virgin and Child" (2nd half of 15th century) Panel, 53 x 62 cm - 20.9 x 24.4 in. Collezione Vittorio Cini, Venice, Italy.

"Portraits of Federico da Montefeltro and His Wife Battista Sforza " (between 1465 and 1466) Tempera on panel, 33 x 47 cm - 13 x  18.5 in (each portrait). Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy.

Text source: 'Webmuseum' (www.ibiblio.org/wm).

Related Artists:

Related Terms: Renaissance, Perspective, Fresco, Diptych.


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